This is a work of Ina Wudtke’s on which I collaborated.
The slideshow here corresponds to the exhibition here.
The places depicted here are a small selection of locations of former public Jewish institutions in Berlin before the Holocaust. I have chosen especially those larger institutions which have had a lasting effect on the cityscape and the spiritual life of the city; schools, hospitals and synagogues, for instance. Furthermore, there existed thousands of businesses and private organisations in Berlin which were destroyed on Kristallnacht, November 9, 1938. To represent them, I have chosen to show a few.
With the example of Berlin I wanted to demonstrate how the representative places of an whole community where strategically taken over, occupied anew and erased from the cityscape. This procedure was planned and organised in minute detail and then carried out in every German city between 1933 and 1945. The photographs depicted here show what stands on these locations today and who, in each case, now uses these places.
The places I searched out are scattered throughout Berlin. The order of the pictures corresponds to the location of the buildings as they might occur on the route of a walk. I have lead such walks in Mitte, the central district of Berlin, in the context of an exhibition of the “Kunstbank” and with students of the Free Waldorf School.
Alle Rechte Vorbehalten, copyright : Ina Wudtke, 2003
Contact: Ina Wudtke
Editors: Hans Kroier, Bettina Kubanek, Mark Washeim
Graphics and print production: Bettina Kubanek
Map drawing: Bettina Kubanek
English Translation: Mark Washeim
Animation and DVD production, Website: Mark Washeim
Frank Seehausen: for the kind loan of the photo equipment, the scanners and advice.
Waldorfschule Mitte: Especially principal Volker Kionke for his friendly co-operation.
Gabriele Wudtke for proof-reading.
Gaps in Berlin is also available in book form.
All rights reserved copyright : Ina Wudtke, 2003
Contact: Ina Wudtke
Zentrum Judaicum Berlin
Centre for Berlin-studies, Central Library Berlin
Im Scheunenviertel, Eike Geisel, Severin und Siedler, Berlin 1981
Juden in Berlin Mitte. Biografien, Orte, Begegnungen, Horst Hellas, Trafo Verlag, Berlin 2001 (Hrsg./ed. Verein zur Vorbereitung einer Stiftung Scheunenviertel Berlin e.V.)
Von der Heidereutergasse zum Roseneck. Jüdische Schulen in Berlin 1712-1942, Jörg H. Fehrs, Edition Hentrich, Berlin 1997 (Hrsg./ed. Arbeitsgruppe pädagogisches Museum e.V.)
Das Gedächtnis der Stadt. Gedenktafeln in Berlin, Holger Hübner, Argon Verlag, Berlin 1997
Ahawa. Das vergessene Haus, Regina Scheer, Aufbau Verlag, Berlin 1992
Davka. Jüdische Visionen in Berlin, Hrsg./ed. Meshulash Berlin, Aviva Verlag, Berlin 1998